
  • Zondag 15 mei
  • 06.00 – 08.30 uur / Inloop 05.45

‘Sadhana’ is je dagelijkse spirituele oefening, betekent letterlijk discipline. Sadhana in een groep versterkt je yoga.

De sadhana bestaat uit lezen van de Japji, Kundalini Yoga, Mantra meditatie en gezamenlijk ontbijt

  • 05.45 – 06.00   Inloop in stilte
  • 06.00 – 06.20   Japji lezen (bedek je hoofd)
  • 06.20 – 08.20   Kundalini Yoga & mantra meditatie
  • 08.30 – 09.30  Potluck (neem iets mee) & Indiase soep (aanwezig).

(Download  Japji tekst  /   Luister Japji)   Alle mantrateksten vindt je hieronder

Yogacentrum de Lindewei, Guru Ram Das PictureHoe en wat?

  • Koud douchen van tevoren (wrijf jezelf in met amandelolie, stapje voor stapje gaa; eerst voeten, kuuiten en verder, dan handen,armen, dan steeds een arm of been eronder en dan buik, borts, rug, eventjs eronder en weer warm masseren tot je er helemaal in en uit kan, blijf masseren).
  • Drink een of twee glazen water (ontbijt achteraf).
  • Geen parfum, deo of andere sterke geuren, bio wasmiddel aub (zeker geen Robijn,Persil)
  • Draag schone, frisse, liefst witte kleding
  • Bedek je hoofd in elk geval bij de Japji.  tijdens de sadhana, draag een tulband of hoofddoek
  • We respecteren de stilte tijdens de sadhana, dus we praten niet, merk hoe fijn dat is.
  • Neem liefst je eigen Japji tekst mee, maar er zijn er ook te leen, net als de mantra-teksten
  • Deelname is op donatiebasis, er staat een kistje voor, het wordt gewaardeerd 😉

Meditatie met mantra

Meditatie met mantra heet ook wel ‘Shabad Guru’ en is meer dan alleen zingen, het gaat om de ‘Naad’, de energie, de klankstroom.

Inmiddels is het allang 2012 en zijn we vrij om sadhana naar eigen behoefte in te vullen maar voor de liefhebbers staat hieronder de klassieke Aquarian Sadhana die Yogi Bhajan gaf voor de periode tot aan 2012. Zeven mantra’s op volgorde, samen een uur.

MORNING CALL (The Adi Shakti Mantra)
This mantra initiates the kundalini, initiating the relationship between our soul and the Universal Soul. It opens all the chakras. Be sure to apply Neck Lock to let the Kundalini energy rise. 7 minutes.

Ek Ong Kaar
Sat Naam
Siri Wahe Guru
One Creator created this Creation
Truth is His Name
Great beyond description is His Infinite Wisdom

With this mantra, we strengthen the connection with the infinite self, the part of us beyond the physical world, beyond creation. 7 minutes.

Waah Yantee
Kar Yantee
Jag Dut Patee
Aadak It Waahaa
Brahmaadeh Tresha Guru
It Wahe Guru

Great Macroself
Creative Self
All that is creative through time
All that is the Great One
Three aspects of God: Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh
That is Wahe Guru

This mantra gives an experience of the depth and consciousness of your soul. It eradicates deep, longstanding pain and sorrow. It expands creativity and projects us into action in line with our destiny. 7 minutes.

Ek Ong Kar
Sat Nam
Kartaa Purkh
Akaal Moorat
Gur Prasad Jap!
Aad Sach
Jugaad Sach
Haibhee Sach
Nanak Hosee Bhee Sach

One Creator created this Creation
Truth is God’s Name
Doer of everything
Self Illumined
It is by Guru’s Grace

Repeat and Meditate!
True in the beginning
True through all the ages
True even now
Nanak says Truth shall ever be.

SAT SIRI, SIRI AKAL (Mantra for the Aquarian Age) With this mantra we declare that we are timeless, deathless beings and promotes victory in all aspects of our life. 7 minutes.

Sat Siri, Siri Akaal
Siri Akaal, Mahaa Akaal
Mahaa Akaal, Sat Naam
Akaal Moorat, Wahe Guru

Great Truth, Great Undying
Great Undying, Great Deathless
Great Deathless, Truth is God’s Name
Deathless Image of God

This is a mantra of protection against all negative forces, inner and outer, which are blocking us from moving on our true path. It cuts like a sword through every opposing vibration, thought, word, and  action. 7 minutes.

Rakhay rakhanahaar aap ubaaria-an
Gur kee pairee paa-i kaaj savaari-an
Hoaa aap da-iaal manaho na visaari-an
Saadh janaa kai sang bhavajal taari-an
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaari-an
Tis saahib kee tayk Naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-i sagalay dookh jaa-eh

Thou who savest, save us all and take us across,
Uplifting and giving the excellence.
You gave us the touch of the lotus feet of the Guru, and all our jobs
are done.
You have become merciful, kind, and compassionate; and so our mind
does not forget Thee.
In the company of the holy beings you take us from misfortune and
calamities, scandals, and disrepute.
Godless, slanderous enemies—you finish them in timelessness.
That great Lord is my anchor.
Nanak, keep firm in your mind, by meditating and repeating His Name
All happiness comes and all sorrows and pain go away.

This is a mantra of ecstasy with which we establish ourselves for victory and the right to excel. Chant sitting in Vir Asan (warrior pose), sitting on the left heel, with the right knee against the chest, with hands in Prayer Pose. Eyes are focused at the tip of the nose. 22 minutes.

Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Guru Wahe Jio

‘Wow, God is great!’ or ‘indescribably great is His Infinite, Ultimate Wisdom.’

This mantra is one of humility. It opens the Heart Center (4th chakra) so that we can feel and effortlessly radiate universal love. We call on Guru Ram Das in praise of his spiritual guiding light and protective grace. 5 minutes.

Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru

The first part (Guru Guru Wahe Guru) projects the mind to the source of knowledge and ecstasy. The second part (Guru Ram Das Guru) means ’the wisdom that comes as a servant of the Infinite.’